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Activities/ Implications

Each year, we organize activities to talk about our services and inform the population about the problem of sexual assaults. The activities and topics vary each year, always with the aim of informing about a topic regarding sexual assaults, but also on the topics sometimes forgotten, but just as important. We try to involve women in our services as well as the volunteers in the organization in these activities.

The interveners are also involved in several committees concerning sexual violences with partners from other organizations or other instances.

For more information about our next activities/implications, you can look at our Facebook page and our Instagram account.

Political actions and fights

CALACS Agression Estrie interveners get involved in many actions and activities. They fight for women’s rights and gender equality. They fight against sexual assaults, rape culture and many more.

We believe in the importance of changing things. That’s why we participate and encourage citizens to join us in our fight.

We want to be heard and we want to make things change.


Fights and political actions are always published on our Facebook page and our Instagram account.


CALACS Aggression Estrie sends newsletters and latest news to registered members, inviting them to important events. In addition, as a member, you are invited to our board of directors reporting on our activities of the year.

If you want to become a member, you can click here.


Do you want to get involved as a volunteer ?

Just read the “volunteer charter” document and fill out the volunteer registration form.

*You must be bilingual in French and English to volunteer, our clientele being predominantly French speaking.

Become a volunteer