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School’s services

All our workshops are free. They are offered in French or in English and last an hour and a half. Here is a brief description of each of our workshops :

CALACS Agression Estrie workshop

Sexual assaults are an alarming issue in our society. Indeed, one woman out of three will be sexually assaulted after the age of 16 years old. There are numerous consequences following such a trauma and still today a lot of girls and women remain silent and isolated because of the myths and prejudice surrounding this problem. CALACS Agression Estrie offers to those women and girls the opportunity to disclose their assault and get the support they need in confidentiality.


Objectives :

  • Present the different services of the CALACS
  • Raise awareness on the problem of sexual assault
  • Explain the possible consequences of an assault
  • Deconstruct the myths and prejudice around this crime


Clientele targeted :

  • Teens between 12 and 18 years old
  • Interveners in the region of Estrie
  • Teachers
  • General population


Egalitarian intimate relationships

In intimate and/or loving relationships, it’s essential for partners to respect each other and for each to feel free to assert himself/herself. In sexual activities, it’s also important to adhere to those values and to have consent from both parties. This workshop wants to demystify and clarify what is an egalitarian relationship. At the end of the animation, a booklet of exercises will be given to the participants in which they will find information and activities related to egalitarian relations.


Objectives :

  • Demystify and understand what is an egalitarian relationship
  • Empower the participants to affirm themselves and to respect each other’s limits in a relationship
  • Understand the importance of consent and its particularities


Clientele targeted :

Young people between 12 and 18 years old

Responding to someone who has been sexually assaulted

Receiving and responding to someone who announces to you that he or she has been sexually assaulted can be difficult. You might fear saying too much or too little. We want to be present for the person but we aren’t sure if we are doing it the right way. This workshop will inform you on what sexual assault is and what CALACS Agression Estrie can do. In addition, you will also learn some of the attitudes to adopt that are supportive for the victim.


Objectives :

  • Present the different services of the CALACS
  • Explain the numerous types of sexual assaults
  • Explain and apply some concepts of the feminist approach when responding to someone who has been sexually assaulted
  • Deconstruct the myths and prejudice
  • Explain supportive attitudes to adopt in this situation


Clientele targeted :

Interveners in the Estrie region

*Duration : 3 hours.


For more information or even to schedule a workshop contact:

Kelly Laramée, Intervener

819-563-9999 pst. 222  communication_interv@calacsestrie.com